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Notice Under Fictitious Name Law

Business Observer will not be responsible for publishing a name that may already be used.
Our deadline for the Friday publication is Wednesday, noon for all counties except Orange which is Tuesday at 5pm for the Thursday publication.

Your proof of publication affidavit will go out in the mail to your attention on the date of publication.
* required fields
According to Florida Statute Number 865.09
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the Fictitious Name of
located at (Address of Business) * in the City of *
* County, State of * (Zip Code) *
intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida.
Dated this day of , .
(Business Owner)
(If incorporated, name of Officer of Corporation)
The above notice is to be published one time in the Business Observer. Cost of one time advertisement is $28.00, which includes proof of publication.
Proof of publication will be provided to the address entered below.
Company: *
Name: *
Address: *
City: *
State: * Zip: *

Phone Number: *
E-mail Address: *

Credit Card Information
Credit Card #: *
Expiration: (YYYY-MM) *
CVV2 Security Code: What is this? *
First name on card: *
Last name on card: *
Zip: *
The zip code where the credit card billing statement is sent is required for security purposes